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Advisor Dashboard

Increase your advisors’ capacity and capabilities.

Empower your advisors to give valuable advice in less time by giving them access to customers’ insurance and pension data in real-time in a single overview.

How does Advisor Dashboard work?

01. Account creation and onboarding

Advisors sign up and get access to the tool. The application is intuitive and easy to use.

02. Collection and review of data

During calls or before meetings, advisors can guide customers to securely collect and share their insurance and/or pension data in real-time. This streamlines the process for both the advisor and the customer, facilitating an easy review and understanding of the customer’s needs.

03. Advisory

Equipped with insights gained directly from the customer's data, the advisor can tailor their approach and provide expert advice, customized to each individual's situation.

Once the data has been returned both the advisor and the user get an instant overview of the current coverage, including key data points and policy terms. This empowers advisors to identify inefficiencies and deliver personalized advice directly during calls or meetings, fostering trust, transparency, and increased conversion rates

What use cases can you create using Advisor Dashboard?

Benefits of accessing data using Advisor Dashboard

  • Improve the quality of your advice

    Give personalized advice adjusted for each customer you speak with, based on their own data.

  • Give your team the right data in little to no time

    Getting your team up and running using Advisor Dashboard takes little to no time. The interface is intuitive and easy to use so you can spend less time on admin and more time on advising customers.

  • Increase advisor capacity

    Save your advisors time by having them collect verified insurance and pension data in real-time while speaking with customers - decreasing error margins while improving the customer experience.