
Bridging the pension knowledge gap: Insights from Swedish consumers.

Written by Micaela Kokko | Jun 19, 2024 2:26:09 PM

Pension savings is one of the most critical aspects of ensuring a secure financial future, yet it is also one of the most overlooked. In a survey conducted with Norstat, we explored Swedish consumers' perceptions of their pensions and the choices they make related to their retirement savings. The results reveal a significant lack of basic understanding among many respondents about how much they have saved and how the pension system works.

Our data indicates that approximately 50% of those surveyed do not have any idea how much they have saved for their pensions. For many, pension is a topic perceived as boring or difficult to grasp. This is compounded by the lack of accessible and easily understandable information, which benefits neither financial institutions nor consumers.

The need for better pension solutions. 

Our survey highlights a growing problem: the lack of awareness about pension savings. While the state has developed tools like MinPension to help consumers gain a better overview of their pension savings, these tools are not sufficient to provide the necessary insights for informed decision-making. For example, consumers need to be aware of the impact of fees on their pension savings over time and understand how to make conscious choices regarding their pension investments.

Our survey results indicate that only 26% of respondents feel optimistic about their pension, meaning a vast majority—74%—are either pessimistic or neutral. This points to a significant need for innovative tools and digital services that can simplify pension management and enhance consumer understanding.

Empowering consumers. 

To create a healthy market, it is essential to raise awareness and provide consumers with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their pensions. The industry has a responsibility to educate consumers on why they should consider moving their pension savings and the benefits of doing so, especially in terms of fees and long-term savings growth.

In conclusion, our survey reveals that Swedish consumers are in need of better education and tools regarding their pension savings. There is a clear interest in digital solutions that can provide a comprehensive overview and aid in planning for a secure financial future. By addressing these needs, you can help consumers feel more confident and informed about their pensions, ultimately leading to better financial outcomes, but also increased loyalty and trust between banks and their customers.

Together, we can bridge the gap in pension awareness and ensure that every consumer has the knowledge and tools they deserve to plan effectively for their retirement. Do you want the missing piece of the puzzle?